I have created an ESP8266 build container, for both x86-64 and ARM architecture machines, including the raspberry pi. The multi-architecture container is available here.

This has support for

  • V3.0 of the Espressif SDK (version tag 3.0.0)

  • V2.2.0, the latest (at the time of writing) V2 SDK (version tag 2.2.0).

It is built on top of Ubuntu 18.04 for x86-64 and Raspbian Jesse for the pi.

Run the container like this:

docker run --rm -ti --name esp8266-build -h esp8266-build \
  -v /link/to/your/code:/home/esp/builds \


docker run --rm -ti --name esp8266-build -h esp8266-build \
  -v /link/to/your/code:/home/esp/builds \

If you want to access a USB port (to enable flashing to an ESP8266 device) from within the container add a device argument like this:

--device /dev/ttyUSB0:/dev/ttyUSB0 


docker run --rm -ti --name esp8266-build-usb -h esp8266-build0-usb \
  --device /dev/ttyUSB0:/dev/ttyUSB0 \
  -v /link/to/your/code:/home/esp/builds \

The SDK is available at /home/esp/esp-open-sdk/ and the code directory you provide will be under /home/esp/builds/. When the container starts it prints out the supported SDK version like this:

SDK Version 3.0.0

The Dockerfile and instructions to build these containers and the manifest which supports multiple architectures is on github.

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